2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.387
The Impacts of Autonomous Vehicle on the Cities and Planning Responses: A Literature Review Based on Ripple Effect Model

秦波 陈筱璇 屈伸

Qin Bo, Chen Xiaoxuan, Qu Shen


Keywords:Autonomous Vehicle; Ripple Effect Model; Urban System; Transport Planning; Spatial Form; Social Equity; Planning Response; Literature Review




Recently the autonomous driving technology has achieved breakthrough, which will affect our travel behaviors, and thus bring changes to socio-economic systems. By using Ripple Effect Model, this paper conducts a systematic literature review on the impacts of autonomous vehicle on the cities and planning responses. After introducing the development of autonomous driving technology, the paper summarizes the impacts of autonomous vehicle on urban transportation, land use, and socio-economic system, and proposes potential responses for planners. By the literature review, it is suggested that the impacts of autonomous driving technology to the cities contain both positive and negative sides. For urban planners it is necessary to keep update with and even participate in the technical advancement, and to adjust the existing planning principles and techniques accordingly.




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