2019年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.227
Freedom and Rules in the “Freeland”: An Investigation on Nomocratic Planning Based on the Case of Oosterwold, the Netherlands


Zhu Jingyi


Keywords:Governance; Planning Ideology; Nomocratic Planning; Complexity; Controlled Spontaneity; Framework Instrument; Oosterwold




The paper uses the example of “Oosterwold Freeland” to illustrate the idea of nomocratic planning. Nomocratic planning is different from the rational model of urban planning centered around land use plan, in that it emphases the use of dispersed and practical knowledge, the organization of the inherent spontaneity of urban development, and the use of a set of framework intending to regulate the development process with patterning instrument. This mode of planning is based on the critiques of rational and comprehensive planning, and aims to control the development process rather than the final product, which is more effective in dealing with urban uncertainties. In the case study, crucial elements and land development processes of “Oosterwold Freeland” is analyzed to unveil how the ideas of nomocratic planning and private planning can stimulate controlled spontaneity, which is inspiring in view of the declining of the traditional idea of land use planning and a demand for more flexible planning tools.


朱静宜,伦敦大学学院巴特莱特规划学院, 博士研究生。jingyi.zhu.17@ucl.ac.uk


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