2020年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.093
Analysis on the Development of Housing and Employment Space in Seoul Metropolitan Area

王超深 赵炜

Wang Chaoshen, Zhao Wei


Keywords:Metropolitan Area; Housing and Employment Space; Polarization Development; Public Service Facilities; Seoul


韩国政府历来重视国土均衡开发,并在政策、规划等制度设计层面予以有效贯彻。以人均GDP 进行衡量,在2000 年前后,其国土空间基本实现均衡发展。在全国城市化率达到90% 的情况下,首尔大都市区人口仍在快速增长,导致职住空间分布特征的急剧变化。本文梳理了1960 年以来首尔大都市区人口总量的演变和空间分布特征,发现在大都市区发展初期和中期,经济逐利是主要影响因素,快捷轨道交通极大地支撑了大都市区空间拓展和大都市区核心区就业岗位密度的提升,加剧了职住分离程度;在大都市区发展中后期,空间增长动力机制由初期的经济逐利向公共服务设施逐利过渡,受益于既有的基础设施和公共服务设施规模效应、人力资源及技术外溢等诸多条件,大都市区空间演进将遵循循环累积因果原理,在国土尺度上延续非均衡的极化发展模式。首尔大都市区案例研究对中国大都市区发展有较强的实践指导意义,主要表现在对于人口腹地较大的大都市区而言,试图控制人口规模增长往往是低效的,公共服务资源配置才是调控大都市区人口分布的核心抓手。 


The South Korean government has always attached importance to the balanced development. From the perspective of GDP per capita, the country has basically achieved a balanced development nationwide around 2000. While the rate of urbanization has reached 90% in South Korea, the population of Seoul Metropolitan Area(MA) is still growing rapidly, which brought drastic change to the spatial distribution of employment and housing. The characteristics of population evolution and spatial distribution in Seoul MA since 1960 are combed in this paper. It is found that rapid rail transit has greatly supported the expansion of MA and intensified the increase of employment density in core areas. Finally, from the perspective of profit-sharing, the internal logic behind the evolution of MA is analyzed.  We believe that individuals profit from the initial economic behavior to the public service facilities with the continuous development of MA. Benefiting from infrastructure scale, public service facilities, human resources, technology spillover and other conditions, the spatial evolution of MA will follow the principle of circular cumulative causation, and continue the unbalanced polarization development model which can maximize the space efficiency. The case of Seoul MA is of great practical significance to the development of China’s metropolitan area. It is mainly manifested that for the metropolitan area with large population hinterland, trying to control the growth of population scale is often ineffective. The allocation of public service resources is the core of the regulation of population distribution in MA.




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