2020年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.067
Research on the Planning and Implementation of Hong Kong Stereoscopic Pedestrian System

肖锐琴 刘雷

Xiao Ruiqin, Liu Lei


Keywords:Hong Kong Stereoscopic Pedestrian System; Planning; Construction Mode; Institutionelle Garantie; Implementation




The construction of stereoscopic pedestrian system in Hong Kong has explored through the phases from planning design, to system arrangement, to operation management, etc. It greatly inspires the fine design and management for the stereoscopic pedestrian system within Mainland China. The Hong Kong stereoscopic pedestrian system has had a matured organization from planning to operation. Its implementation contains three parts that key point extraction, development and construction, and later-period management and operation; and it contains seven phases that project approval and decision, land contract and land transaction, design, drawing examination, construction, final acceptance of construction, laterperiod operation and management. Meanwhile, its implementation and construction is not completely operated by the government, but implemented diversely, such like the top-down mode in unestablished areas, bottom-up mode in established areas, as well as the mode like the government building the overpass public accesses. Furthermore, the well-designed supporting institutions, such as “Authorized Person” system, floor area incentive policy, building plan system, supervision and review system, property management system, have played key roles to guarantee the refinement of the high quality stereoscopic pedestrian system. In the process of construction and coordination, stereoscopic pedestrian system in Hong Kong encountered the problems of “not fully reflecting the value of public space” and “not ensuring comprehensive benefits”. The experience of stereoscopic pedestrian system in Hong Kong provides practical references and insights for the planning and construction of stereoscopic pedestrian system in Mainland China.




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