2020年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.210
The Enlightenment of Zoning Practice in the U.S. Under the National Land and Spatial Planning Framework to Chinese Regulatory Detailed Planning Reform

韩文静 邱泽元 王梅 张正峰 万成伟 杨昔

Han Wenjing, Qiu Zeyuan, Wang Mei, Zhang Zhengfeng, Wan Chengwei, Yang Xi


Keywords:National Land and Spatial Planning; Land Use Controls; Regulatory Detailed Planning; Zoning; Spatial Governance




Urbanization in China has gradually entered a new era of transition toward high-quality development. The regulatory framework of urban land use master planning has shown some serious problems in controlling urban land uses and can no longer meet the demand for more efficiently controlling the uses of precious urban spaces called by the transformation of market economy and the reform in the National Land and Spatial Planning System. This paper starts from the review on the general background and development of zoning, a land use regulatory system in the U.S. and compares the zoning practice in the U.S., specifically in the City of New York, to the practices of the Urban Regulatory Land use Planning system in China in terms of regulatory status, legal effect, regulatory contents and implementation procedure. Looking forward, we present several new ideas for future reform in the Regulatory Detailed Planning, such as comprehensive land use control at a parcel level, diversity of regulations, enhanced legal effects of the existing land use controls, and diversity and flexibility of land use control measures to meet the new requirements of the National Land and Spatial Planning System reform under the new era of transition.


韩文静,中国人民大学公共管理学院/ 香港城市大学人文与社会科学学院,博士研究生。hwjruc@163.com







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