2020年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.534
Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Concept in the Netherlands Oriented by Urban Metabolism

高晓明 王志鹏 赵继龙 毛晓天 刘长安

Gao Xiaoming, Wang Zhipeng, Zhao Jilong, Mao Xiaotian, Liu Chang’an

关键词:城市代谢;城市规划与设计;资源循环代谢;物质流分析; 城市生态系统

Keywords:Urban Metabolism; Urban Planning and Design; Resource Cycle Metabolism; Materials Flow Analysis; Urban Ecosystem




Currently, as an ecological concept, urban metabolism has gradually penetrated into urban planning and design fields and has become a key method for countries in the world to cope with urban ecological crisis. Faced with this emerging issue, the Netherlands carried out a series of related studies and achieved some unique achievements. Therefore, based on the background analysis of urban metabolic research in the Netherlands, through the classification and analysis of urban metabolism applied to urban planning and design research, this paper proposes: a spatial optimization strategy based on material flow analysis, a technology integration strategy based on cyclic metabolism system, and potential exploration strategies based on cyclic metabolism mechanism. Eventually it is the goal of this paper to provide some theoretical and practical guidance for the ecological urban planning and design in China.








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