2020年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.190
Land Preparation Under TOD Strategy: Case Studies of Shanghai, Shenzhen and Dongguan

杨家文 段阳 乐晓辉

Yang Jiawen, Duan Yang, Le Xiaohui

关键词:公交导向开发;土地整备;增量开发;存量开发; 城市更新

Keywords:Transit-oriented Development; Land Preparation; New Development; Redevelopment; Urban Renewal


土地整备工作是TOD 综合开发的关键环节和重要基础,然而,国内大部分城市都缺乏相关具体工作的实践经验。本文结合上海、深圳和东莞的探索实践,将轨道交通沿线土地开发分为增量开发和存量开发两种类型:在增量开发类型中,关注未批让土地一级使用权的取得以及车辆段(停车场)的复合利用;在存量开发类型中,对已批未建用地的协议调整和轨道沿线的更新改造进行研究和总结。文章为其他需要开展综合开发的城市进行土地整备工作提供了可参考的实施路径选择。


Land preparation is the foundation for development or redevelopment projects around rail transit station. However, most cities in China lack practical experience in this specific field. This paper evaluates relevant practices in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Dongguan, hoping to provide examples for other cities to follow. Development opportunities along transit lines are divided into two categories: new development and redevelopment. For new development, we analyze the acquisition of land use right and the comprehensive air right development on top of metro car depot. For redevelopment opportunities, we study how the negotiation between the city government and the developer leads to adjustment of sub-division and development intensity, and the synergy between TOD projects and urban renewal.






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