2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.314
文化景观作为乡村可持续发展的资源 :认知、方法与实践
Cultural Landscape as Resource for Sustainable Rural Development: Cognition, Method and Practice

托马斯·布特纳 孔洞一

Thomas Büttner, Kong Dongyi

关键词:乡村可持续发展 ;文化景观 ;生物圈保护区 ;清单盘点与区域化 ; 文化景观数据库 ;地方学习小组 ;LEADER

Keywords:Rural Sustainable Development; Cultural Landscape; Biosphere Reserve; Inventories and Regionalization; Cultural Landscape Database; Initative “Learning on Site”; LEADER




The sustainable development of rural China needs innovative concepts. The rural development strategy of the Rhoen Biosphere Reserve in Germany is guided by the concept of cultural landscape. The main idea is to inventory the elements of cultural resources, identify, describe and evaluate their elements and structures, and display their historical landscape changes. At the same time, with the “cultural landscape database”, each piece of cultural landscape information will have a positioning based on its own characteristics. The information elaborated strengthened the awareness of the local history and culture, and also strengthened the cultural identity and community connection through the coordination between history and stories, people and scenery. With the help of the recognition and analysis of the cultural landscape, people can reach a  consensus on the “regional characteristics” of the comprehensive meaning of history, society and aesthetics in rural areas. Rural sustainability strategies, research projects, and economic development plans based on the concept of cultural landscapes are also launched in the Rhoen region. The concept of cultural landscape can also provide a reference for Chinese rural development ideas and methods.


托马斯·布特纳,博士,德国巴伐利亚州南史泰格瓦尔德地区 LEADER 项目负责人,文化景观专家。buero-dr-buettner@t-online.de



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