2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.651
Progress of Studies on the Relationship Between Urban Green Space and Public Health

董玉萍 刘合林 齐君

Dong Yuping, Liu Helin, Qi Jun


Keywords:Urban Green Space; Public Health; Mechanism; Impact Factor; Research Progress




Urban life in recent years has turned to be more sedentary, which has caused the pressing issue of public’s subhealth. It has been proved that urban green space (UGS) can contribute to the improvement of public health. Thus, themes related to the relationship between UGS and public health has recently become the research focuses in the field of healthy cities. Generally, these themes can be grouped into three aspects which are the health benefits from UGS, the factors that may affect these benefits, and the underlying mechanisms that generate these benefits. In this sense, this paper organizes the reviews and comments in three dimensions accordingly. The extant research displays that three categories of impact factors contribute to the health benefits, namely the availability, the accessibility and the self-features of UGS; and the underlying mechanisms work through cultural ecosystem services, regulating ecosystem services and supporting ecosystem services. In addition, different moderators, such as socio-economic status and demographic characteristics, can also exert their impacts. However, the complete interaction pathways between UGS and public health have almost not been explored. Moreover, the indicators, data, analysis methods as well as spatial analysis unit used by those published works are still limited, which need to be solved by new multiple-data sources and analysis techniques. Regarding these issues, in the end we propose seven research dimensions on the relationship between UGS and public health that entail much deeper explorations and more applicable conclusions in the field of urban planning.



刘合林(通信作者),华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授, 博士生导师。h1362@hust.edu.cn



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