2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.425
Review of Collective Housing Research in Developed Countries and Its Enlightment to China

刘红萍 李剑峰 安东尼·J·沃德

Liu Hongping, Li Jianfeng, Anthony J. Ward

关键词:合作性住房;可支付住房;社区包容性; 共有产权住房;合作共享;共有空间

Keywords:Collective Housing; Affordable Housing; Community Inclusion; Shared Ownership Household; Cooperation and Sharing; Common Space




Collective housing is a good way to alleviate the rising house prices, improve the housing security system, mitigate the social conflicts caused by residential segregation and create a harmonious society. The paper analyzes the emergence and development of the collective housing in the western developed countries, summarizes the progress of research from the definition of collective housing, efficiency evaluation, social influence, architecture and design, and provides suggestions on how to develop collective housing in China.



李剑峰,博士, 湖北大学商学院, 讲师。jeff_lee2005@126.com



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