2020年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.193
International Comparison Research on the Pattern of Affected Inhabitants’ Choice of Post-disaster Resettlement

郗皎如 铃木萨琪 王江波

Xi Jiaoru, Suzuki Sachi, Wang Jiangbo

关键词:灾后住房重建;居住安置路径;群体选择;国际比较研究;汶川地震; 新奥尔良飓风;东日本地震

Keywords:Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction; Resettlement Route; Affected Inhabitants’ Choice; International Comparison Research; Wenchuan Earthquake; Katrina Hurricane; Great East Japan Earthquake


本文以三个巨灾后典型受灾市镇——中国汶川地震(2008 年)受灾的都江堰市、美国卡特里娜飓风(2005 年)受灾的新奥尔良市、东日本地震(2011 年)受灾的七浜町——的住房重建过程为研究对象,分别构建三个案例的因灾群体居住安置路径选择框架,以通常被忽视的群体视角审视住房重建规划策略对群体安置的影响,并通过“政府方的重建任务”和“受灾居民方的安置选择”两个维度分析各自的框架特点。再通过三个案例框架特点的横向比较,分析其异同、优势及问题、背后成因,为中国的灾后住房重建规划策略在减轻政府负担,完成艰巨的住房重建任务,受灾群体的安置选择更具自主性、多样性、灵活性等方面提出优化建议。


The study thoroughly compared three post-disaster cities on their decisionmaking frameworks for affected inhabitants’ resettlement: Dujiangyan City in China after Wenchuan Earthquake, New Orleans in the US after Katrina Hurricane, and Shichigahama Town in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Their frameworks are mapped out from two dimensions: the “role of government” and the “choice of inhabitants”. Through analyzing the similarities and differences among the three cases, as well as their strengths, weaknesses, and their underlying problems, the research concludes to propose a series of practices for post-disaster housing reconstruction planning in Chinese regions. It is expected to help coping with some crucial issues that China has faced with: the mitigation of government burdens after extremely serious disasters, and the realization of more autonomous, diverse, and flexible resettlement choices for disaster-affected inhabitants in China.






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