2021年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.046
Exploration of the Step-by-step Interactive Design Mode of Artificial Intelligence Urban Design at the Block Scale

杨俊宴 朱骁

Yang Junyan, Zhu Xiao


Keywords:Artificial Intelligence; Urban Design; Design Method; Block Morphology; Human-Computer Interaction




With the changes in the information environment and data foundation, artificial intelligence has made breakthroughs in the development of big data, language image recognition and deep learning. Traditional urban design technology methods are also facing important opportunities for upgrading and iteration. This paper takes the block scale which is widely available in the city as the research object. Through artificial intelligence methods such as evolutionary algorithms, adaptive algorithms and supervised deep learning, an intelligent design module for the three-dimensional shape of the block is constructed. On this basis, by combining specific sites, the practical exploration of human-computer interaction from base construction, plan generation to human-computer interaction is studied and an interactive urban design model of artificial intelligence and designers is proposed. Using the neighborhood scale as the medium, this paper attempts to solve the problems of generation logic blockage and unclear internal mechanism in current artificial intelligence city design at different scales. At the same time, the paper provides references for the iterative transformation of future digital urban design technology methods and the development research of related design assistance systems.





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