2021年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.086
The Development of Social Housing in Denmark and Its Implications to China

明娟 王明亮 张艺

Ming Juan, Wang Mingliang, Zhang Yi


Keywords:Social Housing; Social Housing Associations; Financing and Operating Mechanism; Policy Tools; Institutional Advantages




As a typical representative of the Nordic welfare state, Denmark has established a social housing system that covers a wide range of populations and guarantees high quality. Denmark’s social housing system benefits from a sustainable public financial support, and regulations aiming to improve the performance of the non-profit social housing organizations. These non-profit organizations, named social housing associations, provide an effective supply of third-party products. This housing system has a unique capability to balance the equality and efficiency, because of a series of policy explorations in rent principles, resident democracy, rent subsidies, government direct investment, housing allocation, and the planning approval processes. The social housing development experience of Denmark brings several important implications to China, particularly on improving the productivity of Chinese affordable housing. These lessons include raising the proportion of third-party supply in rental markets, creating a co-funding mechanism for social housings, and adjusting the government intervention and control.






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