2021年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.413
Analysis on the Political Construction of Scale of State-level New Areas

王璇 郐艳丽

Wang Xuan, Gui Yanli


Keywords:The State-level New Area; Spatial Production; Scale Connotation; Political Construction; Governance Logic




The State-level New Area is a strategic regional type under the special era background in China. It is not a fixed material entity nested in the practice of space production, but contains multiple scales of dynamic changes. Therefore, from the multi-dimensional connotation of scale, this paper discusses the internal logic and institutional shaping of political construction of scale. It demonstrates that the State-level New Area has the geographic scale characteristics of vast-area and cross-region, the administrative scale characteristics of testability and recursion, and the power scale characteristics of flexibility and flattening. Finally, this paper addresses that the ‘rigid’ political scale represented by the State-level New Area can directly promote the rise of city-region, and can establish a new type of ‘central-local’ governance relationship. Thus, it is of great significance for China’s social and economic transformation and regional governance innovation to make good use of the ‘rigid’ scale tool of the State-level New Area.

基金项目:中国人民大学2020 年度拔尖创新人才培育资助计划成果




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