2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.153
重读《空间的生产》 —— 话语空间重构与南京学派的空间想象
Rereading the Production of Space: Reconstituting Discursive Space and Nanjing School Imagination of Space


Chu-joe Hsia

关键词:亨利·列斐伏尔 ;空间 ;空间的生产 ;话语 ; 规划与设计

Keywords:Henri Lefebvre; Space; The Production of Space; Discourse; Planning and Design


笔者首先简要说明亨利·列斐伏尔的空间生产理论。 列斐伏尔批评苏联城市规划师未能生产出社会主义的空 间,而仅再生产现代主义模式的都市设计。通过这一批判, 作者进一步反思都市中国的现代性移植,以及专业技术层 面的形式化移植。最后,面对百年变局东风劲吹的历史形 势,通过理论反思规划与设计的话语空间,认识长三角都 会区域和南京的社会与空间,鼓励新的专业者致力于社会 空间生产的创新,生产新的社会关系和空间形式。处在全 球领导权建构与新范式转移的门槛之上,笔者想象了南京 学派话语空间的建构,以争夺社会生产中的空间再现。


The author first clarifies Lefebvre’s concept “the production of space”. Then, through Lefebvre’s critique on USSR urban planners who were unable to produce the socialist space but only to reproduce the modernist urban design model, the article further reflects on the transplant of modernity in urban China, the formalized transplant of professional technology. Finally, in the face of the drastic change unseen in a centenary, through theoretically reflecting on the discourse space in planning and design, the article seeks to recognize the society and space in the metropolitan region of Nanjing and the Yangtze Delta, to encourage new professionals committed to the innovation of social space production, and to recognize the new form of social relations and new spaces. On the threshold of the global hegemony construction and the transfer of the new paradigm, the article imagines the Nanjing school discourse space, in order to contest representations of space in the production of space.




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