2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.536
Research on the Spatial Layout Modes of World-class Airport Group in California

范渊 姜欣辰

Fan Yuan, Jiang Xinchen

关键词:加州城市群 ;世界级机场群 ;机场密度 ;机场职能 ;圈层布局 ; 区域分工 ;协同发展

Keywords:California Urban Agglomeration; World-class Airport Cluster; Density of Airports; Function of Airports; Circle Layout; Regional Division of Labor; Coordinated Development


近年来,以城市群为空间载体的区域协同发展已成为新型城镇化 的主体形态,机场作为传统交通门户的角色正在向“新的动力源”转变。 加州城市群是美国增长最快的城市群,其空间范围内的机场群则是美国 西海岸乃至北美地区内部交通组织的重要平台,同时也是美国面向亚太 地区的门户、全球供应链的重要节点,可谓美国全球战略的重要承载空间, 实现了世界级城市群和世界级机场群的联动发展。本文从世界级城市群 和世界级机场群的空间匹配关系入手,界定两者联动发展的空间尺度和 基本研究单元,分析两者等级、职能分工及空间分布的耦合特征,总结 世界级机场群功能和空间布局模式,对两者的联动发展经验进行初步探 索,希望能够对我国世界级机场群的空间布局规划起到一定的参考作用。


In recent years, coordinated regional development carried by urban agglomeration has become main front for the new type of urbanization. The role of airport as traditional transportation gateway is shifting to new power sources. California has the fastest growing urban agglomeration in the United States, where its airport clusters are the important platform for internal traffic organization of the West Coast and even North America, at the same and the gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, shaping an important node area for the global supply chain. Thus,it is the important space for the US to achieve global strategy in coordinating the development between world-class urban agglomerations and airport clusters. This paper begins with analysis of spatial relationship between world-class urban agglomerations and airport clusters, then defines the spatial scale and basic research unit for the coordinated development between them, analyzes the coupling characteristics of their service levels, functional division and spatial distribution, with the aim to summarize the functions and planning layout for world-class airport clusters and provide reference for the spatial layout planning of world-class airport clusters in China.


范渊,硕士,中国城市规划设计研究院,高级城市规划师。 285500675@qq.com 

姜欣辰,硕士,中国城市规划设计研究院,高级城市规划师。 450134093@qq.com


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