2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.332
荷兰工业城市滨水空间转型再生 —— 鹿特丹南部岬角港区更新经验
Transformation and Regeneration of the Waterfront Space in Dutch Industrial City: Experience of KvZ Port Area Renewal in Rotterdam

周忠凯 王露 赵继龙

Zhou Zhongkai, Wang Lu, Zhao Jilong

关键词:城市滨水空间 ;鹿特丹 ;南部岬角港区更新 ;空间转型 ;城市更新

Keywords:Urban Waterfront Space; Rotterdam; KvZ Port Area Renewal; Spatial Transformation; Urban Renewal


从 1980 年代至今,鹿特丹南部岬角港区更新通过政策层面的有效支撑 和操作层面的持续推动,成为荷兰最具代表性的城市滨水空间再生项目 ;其 更新转型过程影响了鹿特丹的发展模式和城市形态,是一次经济、社会和城 市空间等多重因素协同作用下的深度变革。文章结合南部岬角港区发展演化 的历史背景和转型进程,解读其更新再生的内在动因和理念。从空间策略和 操作策略两个层面,深入分析其在项目定位策划、区域交通整合、公共空间 塑造、街区功能优化、空间经营管理等方面的可持续操作机制和转型成效。 最后通过横向对比,总结其更新过程的核心经验与不足,有助于认知荷兰工 业城市滨水空间转型的机制,并为我国城市滨水空间转型在发展定位、策略 制定、空间操作和过程管理等方面提供借鉴和启示。


Since the 1980s, as the most representative urban waterfront space regeneration plan in the Netherlands, the Kop van Zuid (KvZ) port regeneration in Rotterdam has influenced Rotterdam’s development model and urban form. With effective policy support and constant promotion at the operational level, the project reflected a deep change affected by the economic, social and urban spatial factors. Based on the historical background and transformation process of Kop van Zuid Port Area’s redevelopment, this paper interprets the internal drives and ideologies of the regeneration process, while analyzing the sustainable operational mechanism and transformational effects of its project planning, regional transportation integration, public space shaping, block function optimization, spatial management etc. Finally, the core lessons and shortcomings of the renewal process are summarized. Through this deep understanding on the waterfront space transformation in Dutch industrial cities, the paper can contribute to the urban waterfront redevelopment in China, from the aspects of development strategy positioning, spatial implementation, and project management.


周忠凯,天津大学建筑学院,博士研究生 ;山东建筑大学建筑城规学院, 讲师。zhongkai_zhou@sdjzu.edu.cn 




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