2021年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.398
Counter-measurements and Implications from Marine Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Planning of Coastal Zones in Japan

郗皎如 王江波

Xi Jiaoru, Wang Jiangbo

关键词:海岸带 ;海洋灾害 ;防灾减灾规划 ;对策与启示 ; 东日本地震与海啸 ;珠三角地区

Keywords:Coastal Zone; Marine Disaster; Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Planning; Counter-Measurements and Implications; The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami; The Pearl River Delta


面对当前的海洋灾害风险,珠三角海岸带地区呈现出提高防护 设施设防标准与既有的城市居住密度及发展需求之间的矛盾。日本基于 2011 年东日本地震及海啸的经验教训,提出防减结合的海岸带灾害应对 规划策略,对中国具有借鉴意义。本文以灾后重建的规划对策—推广至 全国的法规政策—地方的多样化实施为分析脉络,摘取东日本地震后日 本海岸带防灾减灾的关键规划对策,为珠三角海岸带海洋灾害防灾减灾 规划从分级应对灾害风险的总体思路、具体的实施性防灾对策及减灾对 策、多主体协作机制三个方面提出优化建议。


In current risk of marine disasters, the coastal zone of the Pearl River Delta confronts with the contradiction between the demands in raising up the standard of safeguards and the existed urban living density as well as the development intention. Taking the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami as a chance, Japan proposed planning counter-measurements of marine disasters in the coastal zones which integrated disaster prevention and mitigation. It provides inspirations for the Chinese case. This study analyzes the disaster prevention and mitigation planning of coastal zones in Japan in the sequence of post-disaster reconstruction methods, legacies and policies which generalized to the nationwide, and various implementations by local authorities, and picks up crucial planning counter-measurements. It proposes advises for the disaster prevention and mitigation planning of marine disasters in the Pearl River Delta from three aspects: the general coping methods of marine risks in grade, the implementation counter measurements of disaster prevention and mitigation, the coordination system between multi-stakeholders.


郗皎如,博士,南京工业大学建筑学院,讲师,硕士生导师。 daixiruster@163.com  

王江波,博士,南京工业大学建筑学院,教授,硕士生导师。 wjb623@163.com


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