2021年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.001
“空间—社会”关系视角下保障房规划研究 —— 美国包容性住房计划的启示
Research on the Social Housing Community Planning from the Perspective of Spatial-Social Relation: Reflection on Inclusionary Housing Programs in the United States

顾媛媛 邢忠 陈子龙 乔欣 靳桥

Gu Yuanyuan, Xing Zhong, Chen Zilong, Qiao Xin, Jin Qiao

关键词:“空间—社会”关系 ;保障房 ;包容性住房计划 ;包容性住区 ;社会融合

Keywords:Spatial-Social Relation; Social Housing; Inclusionary Housing Program; Inclusive Neighborhood; Social Incorporation


如何将公租房等保障性住房无差别地融入城市住区,规避低收入群体集聚、 空间失配可能衍生的社会问题,受到业界与社会关注。文章以美国包容性住房 计划中蕴含的“空间—社会”关系及其对社会关系再生产的影响作为研究探讨 主线,对包容性住房计划概念及其内涵进行解析 ;并结合我国保障房建设可能 潜存的社会问题,梳理美国包容性计划的刚性保障指标保障、弹性政策激励和 无差别空间融合措施,归纳出对我国保障房建设的启示 :将保障房无差别融入 商品房住区,使包括中低收入群体的全体居民从社会生活中得到空间网络带来 的效益,以空间融合促进社会和谐,促进积极社会关系再生产。


How to integrate social housing and public rental housing into urban housing system, to avoid social problems derided with the construction of low-income areas, draws a lot of attentions from both academy and society. Taking the “space-society” correlation and its influence on the reproduction of social relations as the main thread, the paper tends to detect the concept and connotation of inclusionary housing programs in the United States from the perspective of “space-society” relationship. The paper tends to comb various policies with the coexistence of mandatory and flexible guarantee incentives and spatial measures for all parties to jointly promote the construction of inclusive housing program. Furtherly, remarkable reflections are concluded as following: incorporate affordable housing into city neighborhoods indiscriminatingly, benefit all the residents including the low-income groups from the spatial network, and achieve social harmony by spatial integration, catalyze reproduction of positive social relationship.


顾媛媛,重庆大学山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,重庆大学建 筑城规学院,副教授,研究生导师。maysmile@foxmail.com  

邢忠,重庆大学山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,重庆大学建筑 城规学院,教授,博士生导师。1178111403@qq.com 





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