2021年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.496
Smart Community Classification and Integrated Development from the Perspective of Product Application


Liu Quan


Keywords:Future Community; Intelligent Community; Smart City; Intelligent City; Technological Product; Sidewalk Labs; Waterfront Toronto




At present, the cognitive differences of different enterprises and the product characteristics result in diversified types of smart communities domestically and internationally. From the perspective of the application of technology products in smart communities, smart community can be divided into four types: “information+” type, “space+” type, “product+” type and “integration+” type. The relationship between technology products and space carriers plays a major role in creating these four types of smart community. Intelligent technology products can be divided into two categories: technology-driven products and demanddriven products, and spatial elements can be divided into two categories: structural spatial elements and attached spatial elements. Based on the classification, four combinations of smart technology products and spatial elements can be shaped, and a quadrant classification of intelligent technology products applied in smart communities can be formed. Four types of smart community are clearly positioned in this quadrant. It suggests a more integrated model should be used to construct more reasonable smart communities in the future. It is significant to deal with the third kind of combination relationship well, which means to promote good combination of technology-driven products and structural spatial elements. It requires cross-disciplinary integration in the field of new technology and urban planning to provide technical support.




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