2021年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.010
基于行动策划的街道公共空间治理路径研究——以2007—2020 年纽约市街道空间治理过程为例
Study on the Path of Street Public Space Governance Based on Programming: The Example of Street Space Governance Process in New York City (2007-2020)

陈煊 刘奕含 丁竹慧

Chen Xuan, Liu Yihan, Ding Zhuhui


Keywords:Programming; Consensus; Street; Public Space; Governance Path; New York City




As an essential carrier of urban public life, street public space’s governance capacity has been a vital assessment target for local governments’ public service capacity over the years. The local government’s governance of street space includes planning, construction, management and social co-governance. It has been influenced by various actors such as municipal and district-level functionaries, streets, communities, enterprises, social organizations and citizens. In this context, people’s sense of access to street life has become a strong value orientation for local governments to govern, yet there are huge differences in understanding and implementing the same policy goal by different actors in reality. In response to specific issues such as the publicness of public space being questioned in recent years, this study focuses on the relationship between different actors’ interactions in public spaces and how to reach a governance consensus. Using the example of programming in the governance of public spaces in New York’s streets, this paper explores how different actors construct a process of commonality, mutual knowledge and feedback, and finally consensus in the process of action experimentation. It is concluded that programming has an essential value in correcting the spatial rights, sense of identity and participation of different users. It can also contribute authentically and effectively to the protection of local interests, and disseminate local culture and ideas. In bridging the structural lack of interaction between the governance of street public space and the public segment in China, this study suggests condensing programming into a stable technical aspect of spatial governance, and advancing the end social co-governance to the front of the approval of design specifications and revisions, so that the value of street public space can be re-perceived, created and used.






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