2022年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.119
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Spatial Planning: Experience and Lessons of Taiwan’s “Spatial Planning”

沈娉 梁景宇

Shen Ping, Liang Jingyu


Keywords:Spatial Planning; Climate Change; Adaptation Strategies; Planning System; Taiwan




Global climate change is having a great impact on the space for human survival and activities. so it is necessary and urgent to incorporate climate change adaptation strategies into spatial planning. The Taiwan region takes the lead in exploring climate change adaptation strategies in “spatial planning”. This paper focuses on the content of climate change adaptation in Spatial Planning of Taiwan region and its 18 counties (cities), exploring the forming methods of climate change adaptation strategies at two different levels of spatial planning. From the climate change adaptation strategies of Taiwan’s Spatial Planning, the authors summarize four beneficial experiences, including leading by laws and regulations first, linking upper and lower levels’ planning, constructing adaptation system, and guaranteeing implementation of planning, which could provide references for compiling spatial planning in Chinese mainland.





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