2022年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.061
Rural Community Resilience: A Literature Review and Its Future Directions in China

董晓婉 徐煜辉 李湘梅

Dong Xiaowan, Xu Yuhui, Li Xiangmei

关键词:乡村社区韧性 ;乡村振兴 ;综述 ;后疫情时代 ;乡村衰退

Keywords:Rural Community Resilience; Rural Vitalization; Review; The Post COVID-19 Era; Rural Decline


在全球许多乡村都出现人口减少、传统产业衰落并伴随社会经济发展衰退的背景下,关注乡村社区如何应对外部变化的韧性问题成为国际乡村研究的新热点。不过,乡村社区韧性的国内研究并不多,对其在乡村发展领域应用的关注也较少。为此本文对该概念相关文献进行综述,旨在深入理解乡村社区韧性,探究其可能为我国乡村振兴带来的新思路。笔者首先介绍韧性的定义及其在自然、社会学科体系中的发展演变;其次阐述乡村社区韧性的定义及其理论演进,并介绍其在乡村应对灾害、社会经济衰退等方面的应用实践案例 ;最后分析其在乡村振兴中可能的应用方向,包括:促进农民发挥乡村振兴主体作用,为乡村振兴科学规划提供依据以及推进后疫情时代乡村社区发展。


Rural community resilience has been recognized as an emerging research agenda within rural studies in the face of rural decline globally. However, there are few domestic studies on the resilience of rural communities, and less attention is paid to its application in the field of rural development. This paper examines how researchers conceptualizing and applying this concept, and discusses its new research directions within the context of China’s rural vitalization. In this paper, we briefly introduce its historical roots. Then we provide a literature review of its paradigm shifts from reactive response to proactive response and desirable outcomes, its recent applications in rural disaster risk reduction and rural development. Finally, we argue that rural community resilience can provide a new community-driven perspective for rural vitalization in China, especially in the post COVID-19 era.






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