2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.236
Urban Logistics Facilities Planning: Environmental Impacts and Space Governance

杨志伟 陈小鸿 袁泉

Yang Zhiwei, Chen Xiaohong, Yuan Quan


Keywords:Urban Logistics; Negative Environmental Impacts; Urban Sustainability; Space Governance; Logistics Spatial Planning




With rapid growth of urban logistics demand, despite the convenience brought by logistics activities, they also have serious impacts on the quality of life and physical health of community residents. Guided by the goal of refined space governance, the long-term negative environmental impacts of logistics activities have caused growing concerns of urban planning policy-makers and researchers. Starting with the impact of urban logistics on the environment, this paper expounds the relationship between the environmental impact of logistics facilities and land use. Meanwhile, the driving effect of the spatial evolution of logistics facilities on the change of urban spatial structure is further analyzed. Then, according to the empirical analysis in Los Angeles, it is found that urban logistics facilities show a trend of agglomeration at the local scale, and the superimposed impact of static and dynamic logistics activities on the environment brings the risk of environmental load imbalance. Finally, this paper proposes an environmental impact assessment and spatial governance method around logistics spatial planning. Its application is to call on government departments to formulate scientific and reasonable urban logistics planning policies from the perspective of urban sustainable development, to guide the spatial layout of logistics facilities, so as to further control the negative externalities of urban logistics facilities.






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