2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.106
新区产业用地的更新困局与转型探索 —— 以北京经济技术开发区为例
Renewal Predicament and Transformation Exploration of Industrial Land in New Urban Area: The Case Study of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone

李凯 王凯

Li Kai, Wang Kai

关键词:城市更新;存量规划;空间治理;土地发展权;产权交易; 北京经济技术开发区

Keywords:Urban Regeneration; Stock Planning; Spatial Governance; Land Development Right; Property Transaction; Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone




Industrial land in the new urban area is not only the most rapidly and extensively developed area in the incremental era, but also the most potential area for redevelopment in the stock era. However, in recent years, government-led stock regeneration including the storage and repurchase of industrial land will lead to high transaction costs, while too many restrictive trading rules lead to enterprise-led stock regeneration often lacking sufficient incentives. These problems eventually lead to the dilemma of industrial land renewal. Drawing on the theory of property right system, this paper firstly constructs the logic of spatial governance of industrial land in China. Secondly, taking Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone as an example, this paper analyzes the renewal mode, transformation exploration and transformation dilemma of industrial land in the new area. Finally, it is proposed that the key to solving the dilemma of industrial land renewal is to establish “clear and flexible” property rights transaction rules, which is to build a clear benefit distribution mechanism and a flexible spatial governance mechanism, so as to stimulate the vitality of the land transaction market.





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