2022年第4期   DOI:10. 19830/j. upi. 2020. 084
International Experience of Spatial Policy Zoning and Its Enlightenment to the Improvement of Main Functional Areas Strategy

王梓懿 张京祥 李镝

Wang Ziyi, Zhang Jingxiang, Li Di


Keywords:Spatial Policy Zoning; International Experience; Main Functional Area; Spatial Planning; Governance Modernization




The main functional area planning is a typical spatial policy zoning, which plays an important role in the construction of land spatial planning and governance system. Firstly, this paper reviews the development process of China’s spatial zoning from natural resources and ecological zoning, planning and utilization zoning and spatial policy zoning. Secondly, the practices of spatial policy zoning in the United States, Japan and the European Union in recent years are briefly introduced. Finally, the paper reflects on the problems and key contradictions in the implementation of the main functional area planning, and puts forward the direction of innovation and improvement of the policy and system of the main functional area, in combination with the construction of the spatial planning system and the modernization reform trend of the governance capacity: (1) promote the close combination of the strategy of the main functional area with new ideas, concepts and trends; (2) dynamically adjust the strategy of the main functional area, and based on the scale differences to set policy orientation; (3) strive to improve the system of the “policy package” in the main functional area strategy; (4) further highlight the differences in the strategic policy design of the main functional area strategy.






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