2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.677
寻找灾后重建规划“自上而下”政府推进与“自下而上” 民众共识的平衡点 —— 日本的启示
Strike a Balance Point Between “Top-down” Governmental Enforcement and “Bottom-up” Community Consensus in Post-disaster Reconstruction Planning: Inspirations from Cases in Japan

郗皎如 王江波

Xi Jiaoru, Wang Jiangbo

关键词:东日本地震和海啸;灾后重建;规划实践;“自上而下”的政府推进; “自下而上”的社区共识

Keywords:The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami; Post-disaster Reconstruction; Planning Practices; “Top-down” Approach of Governmental Enforcement; “Bottom-up” Approach of Community Consensus




The decision making of the China’s post-disaster reconstruction planning featured by a “government-oriented, top-down” hierarchy, which allows for the coordination of resources and concentration of efforts to efficiently advance reconstruction work. But researches proposed that the mechanism is prone to contradiction between a strong “top-down” governmental enforcement and realization of the “bottom-up” community’s decision-making space. This paper chooses Yuriage district in Natori City and Tamauranishi district in Iwanuma City  after the Great East Japan Earthquake as typical cases, representing “the correction after the failure of a ‘top-down’ ideal planning scheme” and “the smooth progress of a planning scheme based on ‘bottom-up’ community consent” respectively. It examines the different planning measurements of acquiring community consent, planning schemes, implementation progress and evaluation, with a view to providing concrete methodological suggestions for balancing government facilitation and community consensus in post-disaster reconstruction planning in China.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(52008204),教育部人文社会科学研究青年 基金项目(19YJCZH191)




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