2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.248
Coordination and Optimization of the Scale Relationship Between Administrative Units and Spatial Governance Units: Practices and Exploration from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

郭磊贤 彭琳婧 李启军 郭晨 司马晓

Guo Leixian, Peng Linjing, Li Qijun, Guo Chen, Sima Xiao


Keywords:Urban Agglomeration; Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA); The Pearl River Delta (PRD); Scale; Spatial Governance




Since the reform and opening-up, development-oriented spatial governance in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) has shaped this urban agglomeration into a diverse and fragmented landscape, resulting in the incoordination between “administrative scale” and “spatial scale” of the local administrative units, interfering with the measurement and visualization, leading to a deviation in the perception of spatial development. The spatial synergistic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) in the new era urgently needs to eliminate the gap between “administrative scale” and “spatial scale” and establish a spatial unit system for spatial governance with dual adaptability. Based on the theory of rescaling, this paper summarizes the process and characteristics of the spatial governance and the difficulties in the construction of spatial governance units of GBA. Learning from the experience of EU nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS), it tries to establish a three-level standard spatial governance unit system for multi-scalar measurement and multi-scenario policy application, to support the scientific formulation and evaluation of spatial policies for GBA. This paper is an attempt to apply the concept of “scale” to the analysis of the process and the development of technical support tools for the spatial governance of urban agglomeration.








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