2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.512
A Review of International Literature on the Impacts of Neighborhood Changes upon Residents’ Health

程晗蓓 李志刚

Cheng Hanbei, Li Zhigang


Keywords:Neighborhood Change; Public Health; Advantage & Disadvantage Cumulation; Delayed Effect; Longitudinal Analysis




In the earlier 21st century, urban space across the world expanded rapidly, going with the evident change of neighborhood environment, which has significantly influenced residents’ health and well-being. Thus, there is an urgent need to review existing researches on neighborhood change and residents’ health and put forward some guidance. This paper finds that, first, studies mainly concentrated on European and American countries. Social ecosystems theory, process-person-context-time model and life course theory are three fundamental theories in this field. Second, neighborhood changes and individual mobility jointly determine residents’ health across their life course. Most studies explored the health effects of neighborhood poverty and deprivation trajectory, the change of walkability, food environment and green exposure, etc., just a small number of studies examined the long-term effect of social cohesion and disorder on health, less attention has been paid to such factors as neighborhood culture (e.g., social norms and values), social interaction, and political forces. Third, in terms of the underlying mechanism, it finds that the impacts of neighborhood change on residents’ health accumulated along with the extension of residence time, either advantage or disadvantage, say “cumulative effect”. Moreover, the neighborhood environment where people lived in the early stage of their life has a significant impact on their health in later life, namely, say “delayed/lagged effects”. Based on this review, we suggest that future research should stress the health effects of diverse neighborhood types together with various social groups, and put more efforts to investigate the spatial differentiation, segregation and related social environment changes. We call for more accurate making and implement of urban governance policies to serve high-quality development of urbanization and habitat in China.






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