2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.419
Analysis and Countermeasures of Residential Sunshine Rights: Based on 108 Judicial Cases

姜凯凯 高浥尘

Jiang Kaikai, Gao Yichen


Keywords:Sunshine Rights; Daylight Rights; Relationship of Rights and Obligations; Civil Law; Urban Regeneration; Urban Planning




Sunshine rights reflect a very complex spatial relationship and the balance between rights and obligations. However, the relevant legal system lags behind, leading to theoretical and practical confusion. This paper sorts out the legal provisions of sunshine rights, as well as 108 selected judicial cases. And then, the problems in theory and practice are analyzed from the aspects of the relationship between administrative litigation and civil litigation, the relationship between national standards and violation of sunshine rights, as well as compensation standards. Based on the above, it proposes that the root cause of sunshine rights problem is the lack of complete and operable provisions on sunshine rights in the civil law system. Finally, from the perspective of land use, this paper proposes to establish a cooperative rule system of civil laws and urban planning standards. Specific measures include: clarifying the application scope of national sunshine standards, studying the boundary of rights and obligations of sunshine rights in the civil law system, establishing the calculation standard of compensation, and improving sunshine rules based on urban planning.






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