2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.136
Land-use Management Within High-risk Floodplain Area in Coastal Cities: The Experience and Enlightenment from New York City

周可婧 焦胜 韩宗伟

Zhou Kejing, Jiao Sheng, Han Zongwei


Keywords:Land-use Management; Flood Risk Management; High-risk Floodplain; Coastal City; New York City




Facing extreme climate change and rapid urban development, land-use management can effectively mitigate social and economic impacts from flood disasters as a key approach. In order to achieve the coordinative, prospective and adaptive development within high flood risk floodplain, the comprehensive mechanism of applying land-use management into both flood risk and spatial planning system needs to be optimized. Based on challenges facing coastal cities in China, the paper illustrates New York City as a case for sorting out experience with great significance and feasibility, such as the coordinated framework of policy and planning, dynamic assessment of flood risk zones, multi-functional management tools, and regional practices. Therefore, the paper recommends that consolidating the disaster-responded capacity of national spatial planning, building hazard-affected mechanism within high risk floodplain, and improving the coordinative framework for planning and stakeholder to provide land use management system in the context of spatial planning and risk controlling, so as to inspire resilience decision-making processes for coastal cities in China.







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