2023年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.629
Review of Rent Gap Abroad and Its Enlightenment to Domestic Research

姜凯凯 高浥尘 刘春卉 孙洁

Jiang Kaikai, Gao Yichen, Liu Chunhui, Sun Jie

关键词:租差 ;理论争辩 ;全球租差 ;中国的制度环境 ;绅士化 ; 城市更新

Keywords:Rent Gap; Theoretical Debate; Planetary Rent Gaps; China’s Institution; Gentrification; Urban Regeneration


40 多年来,租差理论在国内外绅士化和城市更新领域产生了深 远影响。我国正步入城市更新主导的存量发展阶段,亟须引介相关理论。 本文通过理论争辩和实证研究两条主线对国外租差研究进行梳理。整 体来看,研究数量显著增加,研究地域扩展至全球,研究视角日益多元, 但在术语概念、测算方式、多元主体等方面仍存在一定争议。笔者提出, 既能保持租差理论发展又能兼顾地方差异性的求同存异式研究路线是 未来主要演进方向。笔者而后对国内研究进行了简要回顾,并就如何 推进租差理论与我国制度环境的结合作了初步探讨。这种结合具有理 论和实践的双重意义,值得继续推进。


For more than 40 years, the rent gap theory has had a profound impact on gentrification and urban renewal. China is entering a new development stage, in which urban regeneration will be more important, and the introduction of relevant theories is urgently needed. This paper sorts out foreign research through theoretical debate and empirical expansion. On the whole, the number of research paper has increased significantly; the spatial scope has expanded from Global North to Global South; and the research perspectives have become increasingly diversified. However, there are some controversies on the connotation of terms, the calculation methods and the multiple subjects. So this paper holds that it can not only promote the rent gap theory but also take into account the applicability in different countries by “seeking common ground while reserving differences”, which is the main research direction in the future. Finally, the paper reviews the domestic research briefly, and discusses how to combine the rent gap theory with China’s institution. The combination has both theoretical and practical significance and it deserves further promoting.


姜凯凯,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研究生 ;江苏省自然 资源厅国土空间规划局 ;注册城乡规划师 





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