2023年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.719
Beyond Empiricist Description: Using Distributed Attributes of Convex Spaces to Interpret the Scaling Laws for the Art of Building Cities

章屹 郭佳寅

Zhang Yi, Guo Jiayin


Keywords:Convex Space; Convex Space System; The Art of Building Cities; Scale; Open Space




In the academic community, there have long been a number of experiential summaries about the scale-related aesthetic rules of urban built environment. However, what the summaries lack is an analytical strategy for further interpretation. This explorative research therefore develops a method that adopts convex spaces as the analytical objects to interpret their particular pattern of scaling laws in those urban open spaces developed with the aesthetic rules. First, the research highlights the importance of the convex spaces and systems as a spatial reflection of people's activity and perception, and a critical link between graphic details and synchronic experience in the urban built environment. Based on this, the investigation examines, analyses and compares the convex space systems derived respectively from two groups of cases. The first group includes three cases of traditional cities acknowledged as good historical examples evolved with a bottom-up order. The second group involves three modern cases shaped by top-down planning. The discrepancy in the scale variation of the convex space systems between the two groups of cases are identified. The result shows that the sizes of the convex spaces are coherently diverse and their distribution is well-defined by exponential laws in the former three cities while they become disjointed in the latter ones. It also illustrates the factors of these spatial features from a systematic perspective. Meanwhile, compared with the existing theories and methods, the examination of convex space systems is argued to be a new effective approach to understand the aesthetic rules of urban forms, and may bring us new insights for urban regeneration practice.





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