2023年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.617
Mixed-use of Industrial Land: Foreign Experience and Practical Implications

马琳 黄志基 宋名悦 李蕾 张丽君

Ma Lin, Huang Zhiji, Song Mingyue, Li Lei, Zhang Lijun


Keywords:Industrial Land; Mixed-use;Land classification; Land Planning; Land Management




Under the background of rapid industrialization, while ensuring the rapid growth of the industrial economy, China’s industrial land also exposes the problems of single land use, disordered spatial structure, and low comprehensive benefits, which restrict the high-quality development of China’s economy. How to promote the mixed utilization of industrial land and optimize the allocation of land resources has become the focus of government departments, academia and industry. Combined with existing research and under the premise of defining the concept of mixed use of industrial land, this paper systematically sorts out the practice of mixed use of industrial land in international regions, and summarizes international experience from land use classification, land use structure, and subsequent management links; On this basis, combining with the actual use of industrial land in China and summarizing the relevant enlightenment, could provide decision-making basis for further deepening the policy innovation of industrial land use, optimizing the market-oriented allocation of land elements, and improving the efficiency of industrial land use in the next stage.








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