2023年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.363
The Planning Practice of Regeneration-oriented Innovation District: The Experience and Enlightenment of Boston’s South Harbor Area

李迎成 李金刚

Li Yingcheng, Li Jingang

关键词:创新区 ;创新空间 ;城市更新 ;规划策略 ;波士顿 ; 南海港地区

Keywords:Innovation District; Innovation Space; Urban Regeneration; Planning Strategies; Boston; South Harbor Area


创新区建设与城市更新的关系在存量空间规划时代正变得日益紧密,并推动了城市更新型创新区的规划实践。在探讨城市更新型创新区内涵特征的基础上,本文以波士顿南海港地区为例,梳理了该地区从旧工业区向创新区转型的发展历程,解读了过去 20 多年来与南海港创新区建设相关的 7 个规划。在此基础上,本文从四个方面总结了该地区对于我国城市更新型创新区发展与规划的启示,包括 :(1)营造利于创新的空间场所环境;(2)构建多层级功能混合引导体系;(3)注重“锚”机构的创新触媒效应 ;(4)建立可持续的规划和管理机制。


In the context of stock space planning, the relationship between innovation district and urban regeneration has become increasingly tight, which has promoted the planning practice of regeneration-oriented innovation districts. This paper firstly discusses the characteristics of regeneration-oriented innovation districts. By taking the example of Boston’s South Harbor Area, this paper then analyzes its transformation process from an old industrial district to an innovation district. Furthermore, this paper interprets seven plans that has been promulgated over the past more than two decades and are related with the development of the innovation district. On this basis, this paper summarizes four suggestions for the development and planning of regeneration-oriented innovation districts in China, which include: (1) creating a space environment conducive to innovation;  (2) building a multi-level functional hybrid guidance system; (3) paying attention to the innovative catalyst effect of “anchor” institutions; and (4) establishing sustainable planning and management mechanisms. 





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