2023年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.399
“Soft” Reconfiguration of Space: Practice of Cross-border Cooperation and Planning in the EU

贺璟寰 罗斌 戚冬瑾

He Jinghuan, Luo Bin, Qi Dongjin


Keywords:Soft Spaces; Soft Governance; Informal Instruments; South-wing of Green Heart; Sillon Lorrain Valley; EU


当新空间挑战或新的发展机遇与传统行政管理层级出现错配,柔性空间往往可以成为一种新的空间治理工具。欧盟在过去20 年的空间规划中,运用柔性空间理念在城市群、跨边界合作实践中取得了较为丰富的理论成果,也积累了跨边界、跨部门、跨层级的规划实践经验以及相应的柔性治理创新经验。本文介绍柔性空间、柔性治理概念的出现与发展;通过荷兰绿心南翼地区和法国西隆洛林河谷地区的柔性空间实践,分析欧盟为“柔性”重构提供的政策支持,并总结柔性治理区别于传统区域规划的特征,以及作为新的空间治理形式在规划实践中的主要特征,为我国跨边界空间发展与治理提供新的解题思路。


When new spatial challenges or new development opportunities are mismatched with traditional administrative levels, soft space has become a new spatial governance tool. Under the discourse of spatial planning in the past 20 years, the European Union has made rich theoretical achievements in urban agglomeration and cross-border cooperation practice with the perspective of soft space. It has also accumulated experience of planning practices that span across borders, sectors and administrative levels, as well as the corresponding soft governance innovation experience. This paper first introduces the concept of soft space, spatial governance and its evolvement. Then, the policy support provided by the European Union for “soft” restructuring and the soft planning practice in the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam the Hague and the Sillon Lorrain Valley are analyzed. At last, the paper summarizes how its characteristics are different from traditional regional planning, and the main characteristics of soft spaces/governance as a new form of spatial governance in planning practice and sheds light on the development and governance of cross-boundary spaces in China.




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