2023年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.411
A Review of Lewis D. Hopkins’ Theory of Planning Behavior: The Recognition of Making and Using Plans

陈璐 周剑云 戚冬瑾

Chen Lu, Zhou Jianyun, Qi Dongjin


Keywords:Theory of Planning Behavior; The Production of Information; Using Plans; The Logic of Planning; Lewis D. Hopkins




This paper introduces Lewis D. Hopkins’ theory of planning behavior. The theory explains the phenomena related to planning behavior and the logic of using and making plans, providing a new perspective to enrich the study of planning theory and understanding of planning in China. Based on this theory, this paper further identifies the differences in the logic of making and using blueprint plans and action plans. In addition, from the perspective of the behavioral distinction between planning and control, this paper reveals the differences between the control ideology of the regulatory plan and zoning. The study of planning theory needs to focus on the logic of planning itself, and planners need to make plans from the perspective of using plans. Finally, the transformation of the law-based management of planning needs to focus on the logic of the law.






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